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Charlotte Mecklenburg County Business License

Charlotte Mecklenburg County Business License
6/27/2009 12:00 AM


1.  Sales - Home based business (similar to Mary Kay, Avon, or Amway)

1. A federal tax ID will enable you to file with the IRS seperately from your ss#. It will also enable you to take on partners, as you will not be using your ss# as the sole identifying number for your business for tax purposes.


2. A dba establishes your business as a fictional business entity and allows you to seperate yourself from it for accounting purposes. It also will be neccessary if you want to take on partners, as the seperation is essential for a business involving more than one owner.


3. A sellers permit goes in both directions. It registers you with the state, allowing you to properly charge sales tax and then file and pay your sales tax bill at the proper time, and it also traditionally allows you to purchase from wholesalers free from sales tax, so long as the items purchased are intended for resale. This allows for a seamless flow from sources to consumer.


4. The final step is to register your business localy. This is can take many forms, either zoning, occupancy, tax, or certification, but the essence of it is that you make a decleration of intent to do business with the local government, and that they approve your intentions, structure, model, and location, and the combination thereof. This is sometimes accompanied by a number or form, and sometimes not.

2.  Natural Dietary Supplement and other products made using the NONI fruit (Health & Beauty Products)

3.  Home Based

4.  Sales Tax is charged and paid directly by the Manufacturing Co.


Your busines requires the following licenses to be run legally:


1. A federal tax id for registration with the IRS.


2. A dba for business name registration with the state.


3. A sellers permits for sales tax registratrion with the state.


4. A business tax registration for local business registration.


03 - Since you are selling taxable items, here are the licenses and tax ids you are legally required to obtain before starting business operations: 1. A business tax registration license2. A DBA assumed business name 3. A federal tax id number also is required in most state for those that they get a seller's permit, and if you are a partnership or you want to use it instead of you social security number to open a bank account. Also, note that forming an llc or incorporating eliminates the requirement of getting a dba. It is a good idea to form an llc to avoid personal liability from business transactions. Since you are dealing in taxable items, you will need 4. A seller's permit.


All of these permits and more can be procured for reasonable fees and in excellent time online at


Simply fill out our online questionaire, then fill in every area you can of our business information request form, leaving blank only those area you do not have the answers to, to insure the speedy and mistake free completion of your order. Then complete the payment form, and we will begin processing your order immediately.

P.O. Box 14927

Long Beach, C.A. 90803


Failure to procure these forms carries with it a range of penalties. The federal tax id can lead to an audit, seizure of assets, and even criminal charges. Lack of a dba means that spending profits made by the named business by you, a different individual, is embezzlement. Without a sellers permit, you will be illegally undercharging your customers, and can face massive fines that can be difficult to determine the true amount of much less pay. Lack of a business license can lead to fines, misdemeanor charges, and police action to halt your business activities until  you have taken the necessary step to properly license your business.

All the services listed will cost roughly $380.00.

